21 Days of Prayer and Fasting: Upward, Inward, Outward, Upward

Sunday, February 7

Upward, Inward, Outward, Upward

Tomorrow officially begins Day 1 in our 21 Days of Prayer. Each day, we will provide a Scripture to read, a specific topic we can pray about together, and an opportunity for you to pray about those things that are personal to you. We encourage you to use the following format as you pray over these 21 days:


Who God Is
Start by focusing on God’s character and attributes. What attributes lead you to praise Him and come to Him in prayer?

What God Has Done, Is Doing, and Will Do
Thank and praise Him for His redemptive work in your life and His promises and faithfulness to you now and in the future. Be specific. What spiritual and physical blessings come to your mind?


Who You Are
Review your new identity in Christ because of God’s saving work in your life (Son/Daughter, Redeemed, Forgiven, Servant, Missionary, Chosen, Loved, Accepted, etc.). Thank him and ask for renewed strength and faith to believe what is true about you in Christ.

How You Live
Confess any known sin in your life. Repent of any actions, attitudes, or speech that come to your mind you know were sinful and not in step with God’s will for you in Christ. Ask for His strength to walk in step with the Holy Spirit and bear His fruit in your life.


Intercession: Pray For Others
Create of list of people in your life who need prayer. Pray for the salvation of those who aren’t in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for those who are sick, hurting, or otherwise in need of prayer.

Additional Focuses and Requests
We will share a daily prayer focus, and we invite you to pray for these specific requests in unity with your brothers and sisters in Christ at Pathway.


Thanksgiving and Worship 
Thank Him for hearing and answering according to His will. Review any attributes of God that you are especially thankful for in this moment.

Join us at Pathway this month for four Prayer and Worship Gatherings. Read more HERE.

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