21 Days of Prayer: The How

Sunday, January 14

The How

If you have health issues or medical concerns, consult a doctor before beginning a fast.

First, invite God into your process. Ask him to bring to mind or impress on your heart the areas where you should fast for this 21-day period. If you don’t sense a specific area where you need to fast, move forward with the freedom to choose.

Next, set your goal. Break the goal into simple, concrete steps. Be specific with each step and stick to a routine for the best results.

    • What will I fast from?
    • When will I fast?
    • How will I combine my times of fasting with prayer?
    • Where will I be when I practice these steps?
    • Why am I fasting? (What do I hope will be the result of this time?)
    • Whom can I partner with? (Is there someone who can support me in this endeavor? Someone I can support?)

We are praying for you as you prepare for this time of prayer and fasting. We’ll see you back here tomorrow for the official start of our 21 Days.

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This post was first published on February 1, 2021. Brand-new content for our 21-Day series will begin on January 15, 2024.