21 Days of Prayer: Fix Our Eyes on Jesus – Daily Email Signup

21 Days of Prayer: Daily Email Signup Link

Welcome to 21 Days of Prayer: Fix Our Eyes on Jesus. We are so grateful you are choosing to go on this journey with us.

Over the upcoming 21 Days, we want to center our focus on Jesus. In the midst of an election season where the news and the noise create discord and distraction, we want to fix our eyes on Jesus. We want to intentionally remind ourselves of who he is, what he has done, and what he has promised to do. This is our opportunity to seek him, remain in him, trust him.

This series is special to us, because the daily posts are written by the people of Pathway. We invite you to go on this 21-day journey with us from Monday, October 14 – Sunday, November 3. 

If you have previously subscribed to Pathway’s 21 Days of Prayer, you are signed up for this year’s daily emails automatically. If you try to sign up and receive an error message that you are already subscribed, you are signed up and will receive your first email the week leading up to October 14. (If you don’t have an email in your inbox by October 14, please check your spam folder.)

If you sign up after October 14 and you’d like to read posts you may have missed, they are available at pccfw.org/blog.