21 Days of Prayer: Day 8 (God Comforts)

Monday, October 21

Day 8

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.  – Psalm 23:4

God Comforts

Lean In and Lean On

“You have breast cancer, Erica,” are words I was not expecting to hear back in 2021.  Like a typical mom with a busy life and four kids at home, I immediately went into logistical execution trying to figure out how our family was going to navigate cancer… and it felt overwhelming and incredibly lonely. While those feelings led to moment of “analysis paralysis”, I also remember feeling this deep sense of peace knowing God was 100 percent with me and at my side. There was even this sensation of a constant presence of him physically pushing on my back to encourage me to keep going. Whether it was through each treatment, surgery, pity party, or clump of hair that fell out, HE WAS WITH ME and I would not fear this path. His comfort in a very dark time also guided me to serve others and provide them with comfort I had personally experienced.

While we are not immune to bad news, undesirable outcomes, disease, or death; what we do have is God’s comfort through the tough stuff as he keeps us looking up to him, his word, and his kingdom.

My prayer for you today and in this season of life is to always search for a beam of light in God’s comfort. His presence and guiding hand remind us that we are not alone in our circumstances. We can take a deep breath, lean in to his comforting spirit, and lean on his comforting hand while he navigates us through some of our darkest valleys to bring us to the peaks of his glory.


Jesus, thank you for your presence, for being with us in every moment, especially in our “dark valley” moments. Thank you for the ways you see each of us—every specific need, every hurt, every fear. We ask you to draw near to those in need of your comfort. May they sense your deep love and care for them. May your presence be their peace and their hope. Help us to continually lean on you and to comfort others with the comfort you have given us. Amen.

Pray For Our Church: Take some time to pray for Pathway today—the people who make up our church, the staff, the ministries, etc. Ask God to work in and through us.

Pray For Our City: Pray for the people of our community and ask God to be at work in our hometown.

Pray For Our Nation: Pray for our nation—its people and its leaders. Boldly and specifically make your requests, then submit those desires to God’s will. Express your trust in Him.


  • How have you seen God’s faithfulness and his promises lived out today?
  • Write 2-3 points of gratitude and thank Jesus for these things.
  • Spend time praising God for who he is, what he has done, where he is at work, and what he has promised.

By Erica Hyatt
Director, Breastie Boxes

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