21 Days of Prayer: Day 4 (God Is Eternal)

Thursday, October 17

Day 4

‘I am the Alpha and the Omega,’ says the Lord God, ‘who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.’ – Revelation 1:8

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. – Hebrews 13:8

God is Eternal

Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. The Lord God is the beginning and end. Without him we have nothing that is eternal. Nothing that can change our lives, nothing that can save us from sin. There is no beginning and no end without our Lord Jesus Christ. Are we serving what’s going on in the world, the news, our jobs, our careers? Or are we serving the One true King, the Alpha and Omega?

In Hebrews it states that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We don’t have any human leader who can say that. We have our Heavenly Father Jesus Christ who came to earth, became a man, lived the life we did, died and rose again so we can have a forever eternal picture. In a changing world we can trust our unchanging Lord!

We know and see and feel what’s going on in our world. It’s important to have an eternal focus on what we will receive in heaven, more than what we can see here on earth. God is eternal and doesn’t change. Change can be hard to go through, but when we have an eternal focus, our mindset changes. 


Heavenly Father, we thank you for your love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness. Please remind us that you will and are always going to be there for us in our times of need. We know that you are eternal and have not changed in a very fast and changing world. We know you have all things planned out for the good of your people. Let us continue to lean in and focus on you during this season we are in. Amen.

Pray For Our Church: Take some time to pray for Pathway today—the people who make up our church, the staff, the ministries, etc. Ask God to work in and through us.

Pray For Our City: Pray for the people of our community and ask God to be at work in our hometown.

Pray For Our Nation: Pray for our nation—its people and its leaders. Boldly and specifically make your requests, then submit those desires to God’s will. Express your trust in Him.


  • How have you seen God’s faithfulness and his promises lived out today?
  • Write 2-3 points of gratitude and thank Jesus for these things.
  • Spend time praising God for who he is, what he has done, where he is at work, and what he has promised.

By Travis Marker

Travis has a wonderful wife, Laura, to whom he has been married for 20 years. They have two boys—Tannor, 17, and Tyson, 14. The Marker family has been at Pathway for 13 years, and Travis has been part of ManDay Monday since it started nine years ago. 

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