Thursday, January 11
First, Seek God.
The Word of God, prayer, and fasting are spiritual tools and weapons that Jesus himself engaged throughout his ministry. His followers through the ages have continued to utilize these spiritual tools.
As a church, we want to unite our hearts around like-minded prayers and intentional acts of fasting—tuning out the distractions of this world to tune into the things of God.
These practices and this time are about cutting out some things (i.e. certain foods, social media) in order to cultivate greater sensitivity to the Spirit of God. It’s about changing our inputs and outputs in very practical and measurable ways for the purpose of spiritual growth, sensitivity, and a cleansing of the mind, heart, soul and body.
Instead of staring at a screen… maybe you read a good book? Engage in some fun family activities? Listen to some worship music? Discuss the day’s selected passage from the Bible? Pray for friends and needs around you?
Imagine what could happen through this intentional season of spiritual preparation and how this could impact your relationship with Christ as well as the mission and ministry of Pathway Community Church!
Pray about how the Lord would have you participate. Get specific. Be creative. Be intentional. And go for it. What does He want you to cut out? Change up? Add in?
What might the Lord do in your life, my life, our lives through a season of intensified focus like this?
We invite you to engage—not out of guilt or compulsion, but in response to a loving invitation and serious call to Kingdom service and impact—all for the name of Jesus.
Let’s set aside 21 days, read Scripture together every day, pray united prayers, cut some things out, add some things in, and give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord.
ACTION ITEM: Today, start asking God how he wants you to participate in these 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting—what things you might “cut out”, what things you might “add in”.
Adapted from Grace City Church
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This post was first published on February 1, 2021. Brand-new content for our 21-Day series will begin on January 15, 2024.