24 Feb 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting: Day 19
"We hear this phrase over and over again—said by athletes, by CEOs, at work. 'We couldn’t have done this unless we worked as a team.'"...
"We hear this phrase over and over again—said by athletes, by CEOs, at work. 'We couldn’t have done this unless we worked as a team.'"...
"Generosity is not only about money. We also can express generosity through our hospitality."...
"Greed and corruption are not new. They have existed for years. They’ve even existed within the early church...
"We may not be able to give as much as someone else, but, from God’s perspective, we can give much based on what we have to give."...
"We cannot assume we will begin to be generous once we have more to give. If we don’t give when we have little, we won’t give when we have more...