01 Feb 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting: Day 18
"We can depend on God to have the same character today as He did yesterday. In every season of our lives, He remains the same."...
"We can depend on God to have the same character today as He did yesterday. In every season of our lives, He remains the same."...
"Only Jesus can provide us true freedom from the traps of temptation. Yes, our sin nature and Satan tempt us, but God always provide us with a way of escape."...
"The battle against sin is not an external one. It is internal...
Our Lord Jesus is not a stranger to temptation. He has been tempted in every way, and we can ask him to give us the necessary power and wisdom to avoid falling into sin....
"It can be a struggle to see how the bad circumstances in our lives can be used for good. But God specializes in using what is now bad and transforming it into something good."...
"As he fled from town to town, David could have been caught up in the details of his escape from Saul. But he learned to trust God to oversee his escape."...