Bethel University at Pathway - Pathway Community Church

Bethel University at Pathway

Raising up leaders for Christian Ministry

Bethel University and Pathway Community Church are partnering together to bring Christian higher education and ministry training to degree-seekers in our community. As part of this innovative program, students will receive a high-quality education that is affordable, local, and fully accredited. They will also receive hands-on training in Pathway’s ministry environments that will provide real-world experience for their future careers.

Bethel University  is a private, Christian university located in Mishawaka, Indiana, offering over 50 areas of study in undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Our community is dedicated to guiding students on their academic journey while building relationships that last a lifetime. Our Extension Studies program (BU-X) is bringing Christian higher education and ministry training to communities across America through an education that is affordable, local, practical and fully accredited.

Parent & Student Info Meetings

Parents and students—if you are interested and would like to know more about this program,
we invite you to attend one of our upcoming info meetings.

April 24


Church Office
1206 E. Dupont Rd (next to McDonald’s)

May 27


Church Office
1206 E. Dupont Rd (next to McDonald’s)

June 19


Pathway Community Church
Connection Room

Why Bethel University at Pathway?


As a student at BU at Pathway, you’ll have the flexibility to live at home, work a part-time job, be part of your personal community—all while you earn your college degree.


Bethel University offers discounted tuition to students at extension sites, allowing BU-X students to earn up to 30 credit hours a year for $11,000.  Additionally, financial aid is available for those who qualify.


Ministry apprenticeships are offered to you through Pathway—up to 3 credit hours per semester.  This amounts to 8-10 hours weekly of firsthand leadership, ministry, and workplace experience.

Get your degree at a fraction of the cost

In the fall of 2022, BU at Pathway will provide ten degree options, and we anticipate adding more selections in the near future. The current options are:

B.A. = Bachelor of Arts  |  A.A. = Associate of Arts

General Studies

Ministry Leadership

Pre-education Studies

Computer Science

Ministry Leadership

Business Administration

Business Marketing

Behavioral and Social Sciences


Multi-disciplinary Studies

Worship Ministry Leadership

Computer Science

Christ-Centered Education

Every course is integrated with a biblical worldview. Students participate in weekly chapel, small groups, mentoring, and monthly community service projects around Fort Wayne.

Cost: $11,000

One year of tuition and fees at BU at Pathway, based on 15 credits per semester, including 3 practicum hours. Cost increases if student registers for additional credits.
Financial aid is available for those who qualify.  Students may apply for the Federal Pell Grant and Indiana residents may apply for Indiana state grants.  For eligible students with the most need, these grants may substantially reduce their out-of-pocket costs.

Your Next Steps

1. Fill out our simple interest form

You must complete this step and obtain Pathway’s acceptance before filling out a Bethel application.

2. Apply to Bethel University

Students should transfer FAFSA, SAT/ACT scores, and school transcripts to Bethel University.
*All students must meet the admission criteria for Bethel University.

3. Acceptance and Enrollment

Bethel University’s admission team will notify you of acceptance and begin your enrollment at BU at Pathway.

4. Select Classes

You will work with your advisor to select the appropriate classes pertaining to your degree.

FAQ: Students

FAQ: Parents

Want to have a conversation?

At Pathway, our mission is to lead people into a full life found in Jesus Christ (John 10:10), and we are thrilled to be part of this endeavor with BUx to raise up the next generation of leaders. We’d love to talk more with you about your future and the possibilities for you at BU at Pathway.

Brian Beall
BU at Pathway Site Director

Renee Von Gunten
Bethel University Administrative Coordinator