Saturday, November 2
Day 20
But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. – James 3:17-18
Promise of Wisdom
Where in the World is Wisdom?
Knowledge: having information about something
Wisdom: the ability to use that knowledge
If I’m honest, I find myself asking for wisdom in a lot of situations simply because I’m afraid to fail. I don’t want to handle a situation poorly, and then have it reflect poorly on me (and indirectly on God through me), and mar my reputation. I want wisdom almost like a fortune cookie, like “God, tell me what to do! Spare me from failure, humiliation, and heartbreak”. There isn’t a lot of faith when I ask this way—in fact, it’s pretty much the opposite.
As believers, we are promised wisdom when we ask for it by faith (James 1:5-8). Asking for wisdom must also come from a heart of humility and a holy fear of the Lord (Psalm 111:10, Jeremiah 9:23, Proverbs 11:2). It is less about me, my reputation, and my ability to handle situations, and more about learning to depend on God and see how His character shines through my weakness. Then, the evidence of receiving it is listed in James 3:17-18 above—wisdom that is pure, peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.
My encouragement to all of us is to ask with boldness and faith! Trust that the wisdom we need from the Lord, whether it’s for a hard conversation, parenting, work, the next decision, or anything in between, will come in His timing—which so often can feel late to us, but it increases our dependance on Him!
Lord, help me to seek Godly wisdom so I may bring glory and honor to you. Give me strength and courage to trust you in the unknown and know that you are with me. Let my heart be humble and open to your direction, correction, and your grace.
Pray For Our Church: Take some time to pray for Pathway today—the people who make up our church, the staff, the ministries, etc. Ask God to work in and through us.
Pray For Our City: Pray for the people of our community and ask God to be at work in our hometown.
Pray For Our Nation: Pray for our nation—its people and its leaders. Boldly and specifically make your requests, then submit those desires to God’s will. Express your trust in Him.
- How have you seen God’s faithfulness and his promises lived out today?
- Write 2-3 points of gratitude and thank Jesus for these things.
- Spend time praising God for who he is, what he has done, where he is at work, and what he has promised.
Additional Reflection:
- When do you find yourself asking for wisdom the most? Any pattern of circumstances?
- When we come before the Lord in prayer what does a heart posture of humility, yet boldness look like?
- What is one area that you need to surrender your own desires and seek God’s wisdom on?
- What does evidence of wisdom look like to you? Was it close to the list in James 3:17-18 or different?

By Ana Ginder
Ana is married to Langston Ginder and does photography full time! She serves on the worship team and loves leading the youth at Pathway on Wednesday nights.