21 Days of Prayer and Fasting: Day 7

Sunday, January 21

Day 7: God’s Presence that Comforts



Following his feeding of the 5,000, Jesus told His disciples to get into a boat and cross to the other side of the Sea of Galilee while He went up a mountain to pray by Himself. However, during the night (and possibly when Jesus was praying) a violent storm overwhelmed the disciples and caused them great fear. Somewhere between 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. Jesus appeared to them in the midst of the storm telling them not to be afraid. At that moment, His presence comforted His disciples.

God’s presence comforts us as well. During uncertain seasons of life when life’s storms can overwhelm us, remembering God is near can be a life-changing comfort. He is “our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). Because God is near, we do not have to be afraid of what is around us. God is over all, including the circumstances that intimidate us and cause us great anxiety and fear.


Spend time in prayer, following the Upward, Inward, Outward, Upward format.

Upward: Who God is; What God has done, is doing, will do

Inward: Who you are; How you live

Outward: Intercession for others

Today’s Prayer:

Father, thank you for your comforting presence. I am grateful I do not have to worry whether or not you will be there when I need to be comforted. You are always there. You will not forsake me or leave me.

Upward: Thanksgiving and Worship

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“A Praying Life” Conference

This March 1+2, Pathway is excited to host the “A Praying Life” conference in partnership with Paul E. Miller’s organization, Praying Life Ministries. “A Praying Life is an invitation for weary saints to come to Jesus: come overwhelmed with life. Come with a wandering mind. Come messy.” We invite you to be part of this powerful and encouraging event. Learn more or sign up HERE.