February 15 & 16 2020
Ron Williams

Leader Note: Remember your goal isn’t to get through every question but to have a good discussion where everyone participates. Your number one job as a small group leader is making space for the Holy Spirit to work. 

Let’s Break the Ice: Think about your whole life. In what season of life were you most content? At that time, did you have more possessions, or fewer, than you do now?

Getting Started:

  • Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged you or confused you?

  • What have you been learning in your personal study and God time?

Video StoryWatch the video “Tom and Bree Hsieh” on 

Discussion of Video Story

  • What stood out to you in the story?
  • How does the Hsieh family’s journey demonstrate the power of contentment to produce both joy and fruit for God’s kingdom?

Digging DeeperRead Matthew 6:19-24 together.

  • What does this passage have to say concerning our perspective on money and the state of our hearts?
  • If our hearts follow where we place our treasure. What are some ways we can be intentional about where we lead our hearts through how we invest our treasure?
  • What are the indicators in your life that point to where your treasure is?

Taking it Home: What is one financial category in your life where you are either struggling to have enough margin (that is, it is stretching your budget) or you are struggling to decide how much is “enough” (perhaps you’re still striving for more and more)? Brainstorm what resources you might seek out this week to provide additional clarity on this topic–it might be a wise individual or advisor, a book, or some other resource.

Prayer: How can we pray for each other as a group this week?