February 8 & 9 2020
Brent Allen
Leader Note: Remember your goal isn’t to get through every question but to have a good discussion where everyone participates. Your number one job as a small group leader is making space for the Holy Spirit to work.
Let’s Break the Ice: What is one memory you have of money from before the age of twelve?
Getting Started:
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged you or confused you?
What have you been learning in your personal study and God time?
Video Story: Watch the video “Work Like a Doctor, Live Like a Nurse” on to see the story of one doctor, Renee Lockey, who experienced a radical transformation in her perspective on money.
Discussion of Video Story:
- What stood out to you in the story?
- How does Renee’s journey demonstrate the relationship between gratitude and our finances?
Digging Deeper: Read 1 Timothy 6:17-19 together.
- In 1 Timothy, Paul says that wealth is uncertain. How have you experienced that reality in your life?
- In that same passage Paul challenges Christians to do what with their resources? [do good, to be rich in good works, be generous and ready to share]
- That list sounds very “Christiany” doesn’t it? But how do we get past the Sunday school answer and down to what this practically looks like for us? How do you practice these things on a regular basis?
Taking it Home: Think of three aspects of your life for which you are most grateful. You might think of relationships, possessions, or experiences. To whom are you grateful for these things? Take time to thank that person and express your gratitude.
Prayer: How can we pray for each other as a group this week?