Members of the Prayer Team have a passion for prayer. These individuals are Christ-followers who actively pray for the needs of people at Pathway, and they champion events and resources that lead us to be a praying church. Members of this team may focus on serving in a single area of prayer, or may feel called to more than one role within the prayer team. You can serve as part of the prayer team in any of the following ways:
- Response Team
This team focuses on praying for the needs of those connected to the church. It involves praying for those in crisis, experiencing medical issues, or any other kind of urgent situation. This team also provides team members who are available to pray with others after the weekend services and during the online services. Anyone can submit a request for prayer to Pathway, and this team will pray diligently for those requests.
- Intercession Team
This team’s focus is praying proactively for the church body, as well as the church’s ministries, leaders, and partnerships. This aligns with the church’s vision of reaching those here, near, and far. This team oversees pre-service prayer, prayer groups, prayer meetings, prayer partnerships, and prayer for missions. It also focuses on mobilizing those who are not able to be there in person to keep serving through prayer.
- Training Team
This team’s purpose is to help people in the church integrate prayer practices into their lives and families. Prayer is for everyone, no matter where they are in their faith journeys. This team provides prayer resources to help people grow in their prayer life wherever they are spiritually. This team potentially will work with other departments on churchwide prayer initiatives, series, and integration with Life Groups and Next Steps.
- Events Team
This team’s focus is planning and leading quality events that further the church’s vision of making Pathway a praying church. This team will lead several types of events throughout the year, including prayer breakfasts, prayer experiences, and prayer retreats. Some events will focus on training people how to pray, and others will focus on giving people opportunities to pray together.
- Church Online Prayer Team
Do you have a heart for people and for prayer, as well as a bit of computer-savvy? Does the flexibility of a remote-serving role appeal to you? As part of Pathway’s online prayer team, you can serve from wherever you are—home, coffee shop, or anywhere else with good wifi. If you can attend an online service, are comfortable chatting with someone online, and you’re willing to type a prayer with those who click the “request prayer” button, this could be a great serving opportunity for you! If interested in this opportunity, click HERE. For all other prayer team opportunities, click the green button below.
Time Commitment: varies by role
Training: Care Team will meet with you prior to team involvement; this session will encompass any training needed
Gifts & Talents: mercy and compassion, strong active listening, commitment to prayer
Ongoing Opportunities: no limit!