NEW: Week 5

New: Thirst
March 17-18, 2018
Ron Williams

  • Icebreaker Question: Have you ever been in a situation when you experienced a great thirst for water? What had happened?
  • What challenged you, confused you, or changed you during the weekend’s message?
  • How has working through Pathway’s 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting guide gone for you this week?
  • Jesus sacrificed much for us, including a drink during His torture before the cross. What is the hardest thing you have ever given up for an extended amount of time? What happened?
  • Read Hebrews 4:15. When have you doubted that Jesus fully empathizes with you? When has it been difficult for you to empathize with Jesus’ suffering on the cross?
  • Read John 4:13-14. The Samaritan woman was carrying more than an empty bucket to quench her thirst, she was carrying her great shame. What have you carried that only God quenched? How did it feel when he took that thirst away?
  • Life at Home Question: Think of someone in your life that has thirsts which lead him or her away from God. What can you do this week to tell them how their thirsts can be fully quenched by Jesus? End your small group time committing to your plans in prayer together.