27 Oct 21 Days of Prayer: Day 14 (God is Present)
"Four years ago, I sat in an ultrasound room and heard the dreaded words, 'I’m sorry, I don’t see a heartbeat'"...
"Four years ago, I sat in an ultrasound room and heard the dreaded words, 'I’m sorry, I don’t see a heartbeat'"...
"I personally had to put my hope in this promise (God is our refuge and fortress) when my daughter was admitted to the NICU"...
"My seven buddies and I jumped into a van with nothing but a fold-out map and a printed copy of MapQuest directions"...
"My healing didn’t really come until I started getting honest with God, when my prayers moved from ‘proper churchy-prayers’ to ‘gut-wrenching, pouring-out-my-anger, shouting-at-God prayers"...
"I’ll be the first to admit I’m a control freak. I’ve always been one who finds contentment in planning and controlling everything I possibly can"...
"I love home makeover shows. Ever since I was a little girl, I loved watching people take something so broken and used and create something beautiful from it"...