22 Feb 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting: Day 17
"Greed and corruption are not new. They have existed for years. They’ve even existed within the early church...
"Greed and corruption are not new. They have existed for years. They’ve even existed within the early church...
"We may not be able to give as much as someone else, but, from God’s perspective, we can give much based on what we have to give."...
"We cannot assume we will begin to be generous once we have more to give. If we don’t give when we have little, we won’t give when we have more...
"Have I been generous for my own benefit? Or have I been generous so that others can benefit and God can be glorified? Does my generosity flow from gratitude?"...
Matthew was one of those people one never would have thought would come to Christ...
"A true change of heart regarding our generosity is demonstrated by what we do and not what we say...