HOME: Week 2

Home: Parenting from the Inside Out
May 19-20, 2018
Ron Williams

  • Icebreaker Question: Pastor Ron shared about being in South America last week. How many countries have you visited? What’s your most unforgettable memory while traveling internationally?
  • What challenged you, confused you, or changed you during the weekend’s message?
  • Read 2 Peter 1:3-4. Peter says, “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness.” What does this mean to you? What in life is excluded from this?
  • Pastor Ron shared the dangers of being too child-centered in parenting. What are the dangers when parents live vicariously through their children? Have you seen this happen?
  • Who were parents that you watched or knew closely up-close that exemplified God’s heart in their parenting and marriage? What have been your greatest 1-2 takeaways from their lives?
  • Pastor Ron quoted author Paul Tripp who wrote, “God didn’t give you children to build your reputation, but to publicly proclaim His.” What do you think of this perspective? How can this help parents?
  • Life at Home Question: Since this is the final week of sermon questions until after Labor Day, let’s reflect on your time together. As we reflect on our small group since the Peacemakers series, what have been your favorite moments together?