Intentional Parenting Class

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Intentional Parenting Class

March 2

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An event every week that begins at 12:00 AM on Sunday, repeating until March 16, 2025

Faith at Home for Parents

Parenting is an awesome job. It can be incredibly fun, rewarding, and meaningful. It also can be challenging, confusing, and utterly exhausting.

No matter how good our intentions, all parents at times resort to quick-fix parenting. Quick-fix parenting may temporarily ease a parent’s stress level, but it does little to positively impact a child’s future.

Pathway’s “Intentional Parenting” class, a resource from Orange Parents and the ReThink Group, will look at intentional parenting as a way to raise children to become healthy, independent adults. This class will be based on the book Intentional Parenting: 10 Ways to be an Exceptional Parent in a Quick-Fix World by Doug and Cathy Fields.

About Intentional Parenting:

“Intentional parenting is the opposite of quick-fix parenting. Intentional parenting is a way to raise children to become healthy, independent young adults. It’s based on solid principles which, applied over time, actually result in less-stressed parents and happier, better-adjusted, and more successful kids. Intentional parenting means you’ve got more than good intentions; you’ve got a plan. (And it’s always better to have a plan for dealing with the stuff that inevitably crops up between parents and their kids than it is to wing it.)”

Sundays, February 16 – March 16

9am OR 11am

Cost: $20 for cost of materials

Register by Monday, February 10

Marriage & Parenting

Pathway is here to help strengthen and encourage families throughout our community.


March 2
Events Category:


Pathway Community Church
1010 Carroll Rd.
Fort Wayne, IN 46845 United States
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Katie Brown