NEW: Week 3

New: Love
March 3-4, 2018
Tyler Ward

  • Icebreaker Question: When have you been impacted by someone’s last words? What happened?
  • What challenged you, confused you, or changed you during the weekend’s message?
  • Read 1 Timothy 5:7-8. When have you witnessed someone sacrifice their family to extend their career, future, hobbies, etc.? What happened?
  • Do you feel like you have safeguards in place as you pursue your career, follow your passions/hobbies, AND love others well? Why or why not?
  • Whose death has affected you the most in your life? Why?
  • Tyler taught about how Jesus extended family relationships beyond the biological family. Brothers and sisters in Christ are mentioned throughout the New Testament. What does this category of relationships mean to you? How have you been positively and negatively impacted by brothers and sisters in Christ?
  • Life at Home Question: What can our small group do to strengthen our ties as a spiritual family?