RESET: Week 3

Reset: Praying for a Miracle
April 21-22, 2018
Ron Williams

  • Icebreaker Question: When have you prayed for a miracle? Share your experience.
  • What challenged you, confused you, or changed you during the weekend’s message?
  • Pastor Ron taught about getting lost in the wonder of God. What does this mean for you? Why does getting lost in the wonder of God while you’re praying for a miracle help someone?
  • When have you had a time in life when you had to deal with misperceptions of other people as it concerns faith and praying for a miracle? What happened?
  • Read 2 Corinthians 1:3-7. Pastor Ron reminded us to invite others in because God comforts us so that we may comfort others. Who in your life needs comfort right now? What is one thing you can do to comfort them?
  • Why do you think inviting others in when we’re praying for a miracle is beneficial?
  • Life at Home Question: How would you respond if someone close to you was terminally sick and was told, “All you need is faith to be healed”? What are Scriptures that help you believe in and pray for miracles?