HOME: Week 1

Home: Mother’s Day
May 12-13, 2018
Denise Hildreth Jones

  • Icebreaker Question: What are 2 qualities or habits you have inherited from your Mom?
  • What challenged you, confused you, or changed you during the weekend’s message?
  • Read Ephesians 1:3-5. How does viewing God as our parent change your perspective of parenting? How do you know that God is a good Father?
  • Read Genesis 3:1-8. Denise taught that God didn’t placate, manipulate, manage, or immediately rescue Adam and Eve when He discovered their sin. How have you tried to manage disappointment or hurt in any of these ways within a relationship?
  • Read 2 Corinthians 4:7-10 & Romans 8:31-38. Do you tend to view God as for you or against you when moving through a trial, disappointment, or unmet expectation? Why?
  • Life at Home Question: Think about a current and recent disappointment you are currently dealing with. How can you focus more on the positives in your life instead of on the disappointment? What steps can you take to move forward past the pain and allow God to reframe the situation?